Mission @ the heart of the Church

I preached on Mission last Sunday from 1 Peter 2:9-12 and presented 2 models on how to go about mission(s) in the local church. I think these 2 models are helpful in thinking about missions and church life.

(1) Missions in one of the many activities







In model 1 ‘missions’ is one activity out of many. Traditionally missions then means: supporting missionaries (either abroad or closer to home). Some churches spend more time and resources on missions than others. It all depends where you put the focus.

(2) Misson is the foundation of everything else







In model 2 Mission becomes the foundation for everything. All the activities of the church are motivated by the mission to win people for Christ. In this model mission is not just an activity but it is the identity of the church and it has an impact on all other areas of church life.

Mission @ the heart
It is clear that model 2 is the preferred model. Sharing the love of Christ with those who don’t know Him yet should be the motivation for everything we do in the church. Why? Because our God is a missional God. He wants to put this world right and therefore He sent His Son to save us and we as a church need to continue His mission until Jesus returns.